1972 Rapid City Flood


June 9, 1972 --

50 years later, we recall and honor those we lost and celebrate those who survived the June 9th flood that changed Rapid City forever. We all have memories of that infamous day in the history of our beloved home town. 

As we anticipate the anniversary of the Rapid City Flood of 1972, we put together a few ways to commemorate and remember our lost classmates and share our experiences from that night and the aftermath.  

If you hover your cursor on, or touch the 1972 Rapid City Flood tab you will see 4 other tabs:  RC&SD Commemorate 6.9.72; Tell Your Flood Story Here; Classmate Flood Stories; and Loss and Survival by Mike Faust:

  • To share your story and memories about the June 9th flood or the days that followed: Click on "Tell Your Flood Story Here" Tab 
  • To read our the stories our classmates submitted: Click on "Classmate Flood Stories" Tab
  • To read about and view an account of the story of our classmates who perished in the flood and the survivors' story of those who were with them, click on "Loss and Survival by Mike Faust" Tab
  • For links to the Rapid City 50th Anniversary Commemoration, South Dakota Broadcasting Survivor stories, '72 Flood Documetary, and the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Book, click on "RC & SD Commemorate 6.9.72" Tab